Donate to CTA

Thank you for donating through the Giving Express Program.  Understand that it can take up to 6 weeks for American Express to notify us of your donation.  Please be patient–we will send you a thank you letter when we are notified.

Give to your favorite charity by donating with your American Express Card. Donations can be made in dollars or Membership Rewards® points. Your dollar donation is tax deductible and you will receive an e-mail receipt that meets IRS requirements as a record of your contribution. The site also enables you to set up recurring donations to your favorite charity. Plus, you can earn Membership Rewards points for donations made on an eligible, enrolled Card.

Just follow this link to give:

Terms and Conditions

* Terms and Conditions for the Membership Rewards program apply. Visit for more information. Participating partners and available rewards are subject to change without notice. Please note: American Express will deduct a transaction fee of 2.25% from your donation to cover processing costs. The charities will receive your donation amount, minus the 2.25% American Express processing fee, from our partner JustGive. This transaction fee is similar to or less than the processing fee the charity would pay if you were to charge your donation with your American Express Card through any other means (i.e., over the phone to the charity, through the charity’s website, etc.). You will not be charged any additional fees for using the American Express Donation Site and your dollar donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.